HVS is an AVID School!

What is AVID

AVID, which stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination, is a college readiness program designed to help students develop the skills they need to be successful in college. The program places special emphasis on growing writing, critical thinking, teamwork, organization and reading skills.

AVID is not just another program… at its heart, AVID is a philosophy. Hold students accountable to the highest standards, provide academic and social support, and they will rise to the challenge.


All Full Time students have access to the AVID FOLDER course tile on their Canvas Dashboard. Within that course students can access their eBinder and Interactive Notebook.

AVID eBinder:

Students can take notes and save graphics and information from their asynchronous work in their eBinder as there is a section for each course that students have.

Interactive Notebook:

Students complete their Interactive notebook every other week in Homeroom. They use that time to review their grades and complete tutorials with their peers.

Tutorial Request Forms (TRFs):

TRFs are located in a students interactive notebook. Students complete tutorials in homeroom with their peers as they collaborate together to improve their grades and build study skills.


Packback is an instructional AI tool that students use to create and submit their work. Please be sure you have created your account and joined each of your teachers communities. They can each give you their look up key