Open Enrollment
Kindly fill out this form to receive further details about Highlands Virtual School's Open Enrollment. Once submitted, a representative will contact you with additional information. We appreciate your interest!
2024-2025 enrollment has been closed. Look for fall enrollment information for the 2025-2026 fall this spring.
Full Time Program
Full-time students have all the same requirements as students in our other public schools in the district but work virtually from home. Students are required to come in to take all state and district assessments (FAST, EOC, etc.) face-to-face. In addition, students are required to adhere to attendance policies, and attendance is monitored based on the daily completion of work in courses. Students who meet all graduation requirements receive a standard Highlands County Diploma.
HVS Criteria for Full Time Enrollment
Successful completion of all previous years course work
minimum unweighted cumulative GPA of 2.0, if applicable
Free Public School Grades K-12
Initial Credit Courses
Canvas Learning Management System
Live Online Instruction
Dual Enrollment Courses
Follows SBHC Calendar
Chromebook Provided
Flexible Pace
Flex Options
Public school, private school, charter school, and home education students in grades 6-12 may also enroll part-time in courses with Highlands Virtual School.
Home School Support
Get Ahead on Graduation Path
Flexibility Due to Schedule Conflict
Course Not Offered at Zoned School
Students Work from Home
Students Work from Zoned School Computer Lab
Initial Credit Courses
Flexible Pace
Follows SBHC Calendar
Advantages of Online
Self-Paced Learning
Convenience and Flexibility
Personalized Instruction
Students see improvement in:
Reading and Writing Skills
Willingness to Ask for Help
Time Management Skills
Comfort with Technology
Coursework Delivery
Online courses are aligned with standards from Florida Department of Education Course lists.
Students log in, receive curriculum, complete assignments, take quizzes, and test online.
Teachers monitor students live in real-time as they work through their lessons.
Students have access to our local teachers through email, phone, instant message, text, and virtual classrooms.
The HVS Difference
Highly Qualified Local Highlands County Teachers
Live Lab Days
Personalized Local Connection
Students can Participate in Highlands County Extra-Curricular Activities
Student Activities and Clubs
National Honors Society (NHS)
National Junior Honors Society (NJHS)
Student Government Association (SGA)
Students Can Participate in Athletics at their Zoned School