Contact Us

At Highlands Virtual School (full-time and flex), we are always ready to listen to the issues that matter most to you!

We invite you to send us your questions, concerns, suggestions, and/or compliments, which we will carefully review and assign to the appropriate staff member.  Please provide as much detail as possible in your communication, and if you would like a reply, also provide your email address or phone number, and we make every attempt to respond back to you usually within 3 business days.

We look forward to hearing from you anytime!

We have an easy way to contact your teacher by phone from the STAFF button in our app, or the Menu above:

  1. In the app, make sure Highlands Virtual is selected, and choose STAFF from the Menu

  2. Choose the staff member you wish to call

  3. Click the call button

  4. Your phone will ask you one more time if you want to call, click the button to call

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

There are several ways to contact us. If you are looking to email your child's teacher, please click here for a staff list.


You can reach out to the school's webmaster by emailing for any requests about HVS. 

Additionally, you can reach the office team directly by emailing

Physical Address (Mail)

426 School St., Sebring, FL 33870


☎️ Office: (863) 471-5679

📠 Fax: (863) 471-5581

💻 Chromebook Help: (863) 471-5625

Map to our Main Office:
